Wednesday 6 June 2018

Two weeks to go

I'll be starting my next tour in just over two weeks,  leaving on June 23.  I'll be heading west and following the Great Lakes coastline all the way to Sault Ste Marie, and then ride back home.  It doesn't look very ambitious when I see it written down here, but this tour has some unique things going for it.

Vancouver to Tijuana was 2903kms. This tour is only 236kms less than that

This will be my shortest tour to date, but not by much.  Although I'm only covering a portion of Ontario on this trip,  it'll only be about 235kms shorter than my tour from Vancouver to Tijuana - which spanned three countries! Yes,  Ontario is incomprehensibly large.

After this tour,  I will have cycled the entire Canadian coastline of the Great Lakes. As part of my cross-Canada tour,  I covered the north shore of Lake Superior, part of Lake Ontario, and part of Lake Huron. This time around,  I'll finish off Lakes Ontario and Huron, and all of Lake Erie.

This will be my first tour that doesn't involve a flight.  When I leave my front door on the 23rd and hop on my bike, I won't stop riding until I'm back at my front door. This removes a significant source of stress that has come with past tours. I've always had to deal with the reality that at some point during a tour,  I'll have to ship my bike and deal with the possibility that it would be damaged,  maybe irrevocably,  before I could finish the tour.  Not so this time.

The last significant component that's different is time. For both of my last tours I ended up averaging under 120 kms per day (119 and 116 respectively).  This time I'm banking on 135km per day to make it back home in time. This probably seems like a jump,  but it feels right for this trip. 

All this to say that I'm really looking forward to getting back on the road. Dolores has been tuned up and is ready to go. My gear and supplies are in good order,  but I still have another trip to MEC to pick up some last minute goodies.

Jacob getting Dolores ready 

I'll post more about my gear and specific preparations next week. Until then,  I'll be counting down the days to June 23rd.

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