Sunday 24 June 2018

Day 2: Niagara Falls to Fort Erie - Trip total: 203km

I felt surprisingly good this morning. I had some telltale aches last night that made me think today was going to pose problems,  but that wasn't the case.  Today's problem was torrential rain.

I covered 30km before stopping for breakfast, and the moment I stepped inside the restaurant the sky opened up. Although I wasn't expecting rain today,  I'm usually okay to ride in it.  But after getting soaked yesterday and spending the day in wet clothes,  I just didn't have it in me to do that two days in a row.

I panicked and immediately searched for a motel close by and booked a room. The rain eventually stopped and I started kicking myself because the reservation was non refundable and I couldn't bring myself to eat the cost.

I don't like losing a riding day if I don't have to,  but this might have turned out for the best.  Even though I feel okay,  I have to remind myself that I'm just starting this tour and my body isn't used to long rides yet.  With 165km covered yesterday and the 160km planned for today I would've been asking for an injury.  This way I get to split 160km over two days,  and since I originally planned to take tomorrow off, I don't lose a riding day anyway.

So today I relaxed, wandered around Fort Erie and did a little watercolor painting from one of my pics of the falls yesterday.

And sure enough,  the rain came back so I think I made the right call.

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