Monday 25 June 2018

Day 3: Fort Erie to Port Ryeres - Trip total: 328km

Beautiful day for a ride. I took the Friendship Trail out of Fort Erie until I made my way onto highway 3 into Port Dover.

I followed my now customary routine of putting in 30km before stopping for breakfast, which in this case brought me into Port Colborne and the Market Cafe - which I'm happy to promote because it served the biggest $11.95 breakfast I've ever eaten (see below)

After wolfing down that incredible meal,  I managed to cover the next 100km without stopping for any food, bringing me into Port Dover, and my ultimate stop for the night - Port Ryerse, at 1pm.

After seeing up camp in Port Reyes, I met up with my mom for lunch in Port Dover.

Dolores catching some shade with my mom while I take a dip in the lake

I'm going to try and mimic this schedule for tomorrow so that I'll be able to get to Duttona Beach campground for 1pm check in.

As for the ride itself,  I saw a variety of wildlife on the Friendship Trail, of which I got no pictures,  but included: deer,  rabbits,  chipmunks,  otters (I think), turtles and skunks.

A special thanks goes out to Richard and Mary Goodlet for letting me camp in their beautiful yard, and also for the dinner and great conversation.

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