Saturday 23 June 2018

Day 1: Toronto to Niagara Falls - 165km

My day started at 6am with cool,overcast conditions.  It wasn't raining yet,  but I had no doubt it was coming.

I had 63km to cover to get to Aldershot GO station where my sister would join me for the rest of the day's ride.  The route to the GO station is relatively straightforward,  and as the steady rainfall rendered my touch screen phone navigation impossible,  I did take a few wrong turns, but arrived on time just before 9am.

We had brief glimpses of the lake,  but for the most part our view consisted of the large concrete wall abutting the North Service Road that brought us most of the way leading into St. Catharines.

After lunch in Port Dalhousie, it was clear that fatigue was starting to take its toll on my sister.  Being the trooper she is,  she pushed through another 40km to officially cross into Niagara Falls with me,  but I ended up finishing the day's ride solo.

165km was a bit ambitious for the first ride of the trip,  and my legs are definitely feeling it.  I have an aggressive distance planned for tomorrow,  but I'm already thinking of scaling it back. We'll see how I feel in the morning.

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